Dólar subió dos centavos; este viernes era vendido RD$61.52


SANTO DOMINGO.- El dólar subió dos centavos y este viernes era vendido en República Dominicana a 61.50 pesos.

El Banco Central fijó el cambio de la siguiente manera:

Compra: 61.05

Venta: 61.52

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1 mes hace

I am making a good s­al­ary from home $4580-$5240/week , which is amazing und­er a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone,

Here is I started_______ W­W­W.W­O­R­K­S­T­A­R­1.C­O­M